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Academic Schedule



  • Aug (Course: Aug. 4-29)

August 02-03: arrival
August 03, 20:00 welcome party at BCCN
August 04, 9:00 course starts
August 07, 20:00: vernissage at the Caritas Tagungszentrum
August 09: excursion at the Schauinsland near Freiburg and guided tour of the silver mines
August 10, 19:30: INCF dinner
August 13, 19:00: public evening lecture
August 16: trip to Riquewihr (Alsace) and winery tour at Zellenberg including wine tasting
August 20, 19:00: public evening lecture
August 23: trip to Strasbourg organized by the students
August 28-29: final presentations
August 29, 20:00: final party

  • March

March 25, 2008: application deadline

  • April

April 28, 2008: notification of results

  • May

May 9: deadline for acceptance of invitation and for additional fellowship application
May 19: tutor review phase starts
May 21: notification of fellowship results
late May: tutor review phase ends; start of work with tutors

  • June

June 11: course fee due
June 21: accommodation forms due


by Dancoisne last modified 06.11.2008 10:02

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