Students - ACCN 2010
James Bennett (United Kindom) Project title: Mechanisms of plasticity in networks of excitable, bursting cells Tutor: Farzad
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Istvan Biro (Romania) Project title: Modelling of extracellular stimuli and network behavior Tutor: Pablo
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Anna Borisyuk (Ukraine) Project title: DSI and asynchronous currents influence on a small hippocampal network dynamics Tutor: Thomas
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Mark Cembrowski (Canada) Project title: Dendritic integration in a retinal interneuron Tutor: Michael
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Florence Cotel (France) Project title: Simulation of the motoneuronal output during central fatigue Tutor: Thomas
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Ran Darshan (Israel) Project title: Tuning curves in the Basal Ganglia Tutor: Pablo
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Shdema Epstein (Israel) Project title: A Model to Explain Large Variability of Spikes Count in Auditory Cortex Cells Tutor: Farzad
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Amir Bahador Farjadian Bejestan (Iran) Project title: Parkinson Disease - Modeling Basal Ganglia Thalamocortical System Tutor: Pablo
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Ana Rita Fonseca (Portugal) Project title: Competition between Neural networks in a Decision-Making process Tutor: Sukbin
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Peiran Gao (China) Project title: Computing with Synfire Chain Interactions Tutor: Farzad
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Guadalupe Clara García (Argentina) Project title: Synchronization Properties of the Hodgkin and Huxley model Tutor: Shaul
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Jose Guzman (Spain) Project title: Do the rules of spike timing-dependent plasticity change with synaptic location? Tutor: Michael
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Daniel Jercog (Argentina) Project title: Supra and infragranular layer synchronization analysis during upstates in cortex Tutor: Sukbin
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M. Mehdi Keramati (Iran) Project title: Modeling Addiction as Pathology of the Dual-process Theory of Decision Making Tutor: Michael
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Jessica Lehmann (Germany) Project title: Modelling ITD-Processing in the Midbrain Tutor: Pablo
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Dan Li (China) Project title: A quantitative model of a population coding in motion-sensitive neurons Tutor: Shaul
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Hendrik Luuk (Estonia) Project title: Computer model of behavioral inhibition Tutor: Thomas | |
Dominika Lyzwa (Germany) Project title: Adoption of thalamo-cortical feedback loops from visual system to the auditory pathway Tutor: Farzad
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Xiangying Meng (China) Project title: Simple network in auditory system for encoding sound frequency sweep Tutor: Farzad
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Evren Pamir (Germany) Project title: Extending the TagTriC-model Tutor: Michael
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Liliana Patricia Paredes Calderon (Colombia) Project title: Retinal Bipolar Cell Compartment Model with Synaptic Connections Tutor: Shaul
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Frederike Hermi Petzschner (Germany) Project title: Neural Model of Path Integration Tutor: Pablo
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Roman Rossi Pool (Argentina) Project title: STDP in nonlinear Integrate and Fire Neurons with Stochastic threshold Tutor: Sukbin
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Helen Saad (Lebanon) Project title: Stimulus effects on the structure and function of neuronal networks Tutor: Shaul
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Jan-Hendrik Schleimer (Germany) Project title: Sensitivity analysis of phase response curve to change in biophysical parameter Tutor: Shaul
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Andrey Stepanyuk (Ukraine) Project title: Short-term synaptic plasticity based model of predictive coding in hippocampus Tutor: Michael
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Sacha van Albada (The Netherlands) Project title: Automated optimisation of neuronal network model parameters Tutor: Thomas
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Mikkel Vestergaard (Denmark) Project title: Neuronal synchrony and its relation to the pathological state of spinal network Tutor: Sukbin
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Catherine Wacongne (France) Project title: Coding capacity of recurrent neural network Tutor: Sukbin
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Claire Witham (United Kingdom) Project title: Interactions in the primate cuneate nucleus Tutor: Thomas
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Guest listener | |
Andrew Brown (United Kingdom) |